Super Hexagon Wiki

The first stage: Hexagon

Hexagon is the first stage in Super Hexagon. Its difficulty is listed as "Hard".

Upon completion of the stage's five levels, the stage's Hyper Mode is unlocked, Hyper Hexagon.

It moves the slowest and is ideal for beginners. Upon completion the player is awarded the "Point" achievement.



Around 20s (triangle score), a doubly holed part appears, and one of its two holes is closed and turns Super Hexagon into Super Pentagon. ("the pentagon mode") After that, after some patterns appear, either a C-shape appear and turns pentagon into square, or striped pentagon appear and turns into C-shaped striped hexagon. The duration of each polygon mode is not unique (sometimes short, sometimes long, but not very much).



Triple C Alternating C-shaped parts, which adjacent parts' holes are 3 units apart. (It seems that it's not just three Soloes.)

Triple C

Triple C







Whirlpool A whirlpool in either (CW or CCW) direction.

Bat A two-way pattern.

Ladder A zig-zag pattern.

Mode changer The pattern I described earlier.

Solo Some single bodies with one, two, or three holes, with or without stripes.


Mode changer The pattern that changes mode from pentagon to hexagon.

Triple C Three C-shaped parts appear which adjacent parts' holes are 2 units apart (in staggered direction).

Mode Changer

The pattern that changes mode from pentagon to square.

WARNING:A very important fact of the pentagon mode is this: in the hexagon mode, both ways let you go behind the central hex, however, in the pentagon mode, no side is the same distance via both directions. This makes the pentagon mode quite tricky, because the direction of rotationg also matters.


Mode Changer
The pattern that changes mode from square to pentagon.

Double C

Double C

Double C
Two C-shaped parts with holes 1 unit apart.

Box with a cap

Box with a Cap

Triple C
Like Box with a cap, except the bar is another C.

Box with a cap A C-shaped part following by a bar blocking the C-shaped part's hole.

At first time, these patterns may confuse you (especially the whirlpool). You may spend some time to be get used to these patterns.

Tips == Solo

Watch out for Solo followed by 3-unit turn. Turn a bit earlier.

Triple C

Because of this pattern, it is quite common to rotate 3 units twice. However, you should not assume that every two opposite C-shaped parts are part of this pattern. Some are just two Soloes, and there might be third Solo in other direction.


Press three times (MMM rather than 3M) is recommended.

Mode changer

It takes "some" time to close one hole. However, you should not expect this delay for every 2-holed parts.

Triple C (Pentagon)

You should watch carefully (especially when several Triple-Cs and Soloes are mixed) what direction the pattern is staggered.


  • The stage is based on the only stage in the prototype game of the same name, Hexagon.
  • The average person dies at 3 seconds on their first try.
  • The song played in the background is 'Courtesy'.